Image Processing
- Add frame around the dataset
- Alignment
- Brightness, Contrast, Gamma adjustments
- Chop and re-chop large dataset to smaller volumes
- Content-aware fill
- Contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization
- Color mode change (depth, color type)
- Color channel operations (add, copy, delete, invert, rotate, shift, swap)
- Crop , Resize , Flip , Rotate , Transpose
- Crop 2D/3D objects to files
- Debris removal
- Image arithmetics
- Image filters (<30 ) including
external BMxD (2D/3D) and DNN denoising
- Intensity normalization in Z/T (complete slice, masked areas, background shift)
- Intensity replacement within selected areas
- Invert
- Manipulations with slices: insert, copy, delete
- Intensity projections
and focus stacking
- Morphological operations (bottom-hat filter, clear border, morphological closing, dilate,
erode, fill regions, H-maxima transform, H-minima transform, morphological opening, top-hat filter)
- White balance correction